Project Summary
The Begin project carried out between 2018 and 2020 has favored the creation and development of social enterprises for the work inclusion of disadvantaged people in 6 countries - Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro.
The target social enterprises had a common characteristic, namely a positive environmental impact.
The project led to the generation of 2 outputs:
1. An international network of social enterprises facilitators, for the use of Social Business Models as a tool to stimulate the development of the social economy in the territories
2. Local Action Plan and a General Action Plan, for use by social enterprises facilitators, to promote the creation and development of new social enterprises by startuppers and various stakeholders
Begin PLUS intends to update and develop social enterprise models adapting them to public high schools, thus involving students and teachers in the project.
In particular, the objective is to stimulate the new generations to consider the social economy as a job opportunity in order to encourage them the creation of new social enterprises for work inclusion. For this reason the project wants to adapt the output of Begin n. 1 and the Social Business Models to the school system.
For this reason the project goals are:
-accompanying students and teachers to design and test social enterprise models;
-analyze the results and define a social economy education manual to repeat the experiences in other schools;
-disseminate the manual in other schools, involving teachers as potential facilitators;
-expand Begin's network of social enterprise facilitators with teachers interested in using the manual.
The project also aims to involve public authorities to encourage the adoption of tools in high schools.
The target social enterprises had a common characteristic, namely a positive environmental impact.
The project led to the generation of 2 outputs:
1. An international network of social enterprises facilitators, for the use of Social Business Models as a tool to stimulate the development of the social economy in the territories
2. Local Action Plan and a General Action Plan, for use by social enterprises facilitators, to promote the creation and development of new social enterprises by startuppers and various stakeholders
Begin PLUS intends to update and develop social enterprise models adapting them to public high schools, thus involving students and teachers in the project.
In particular, the objective is to stimulate the new generations to consider the social economy as a job opportunity in order to encourage them the creation of new social enterprises for work inclusion. For this reason the project wants to adapt the output of Begin n. 1 and the Social Business Models to the school system.
For this reason the project goals are:
-accompanying students and teachers to design and test social enterprise models;
-analyze the results and define a social economy education manual to repeat the experiences in other schools;
-disseminate the manual in other schools, involving teachers as potential facilitators;
-expand Begin's network of social enterprise facilitators with teachers interested in using the manual.
The project also aims to involve public authorities to encourage the adoption of tools in high schools.
Restricted fourth call for proposals – Priority Axes 1, 2 and 3
Project Acronym
Project Number
Programme Priority
1) Innovative and smart region
Specific objective
Support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2022-01-01 – 2022-06-30
Total budget
EUR 136,694.49
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
EUR 15,493.37
IPAII budget
Project Social media
The Project BEGIN PLUS is a follow-up of the previous funded project BEGIN, if you want to learn more about its genesis, original proposal and partnership, you can click on the button below.
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner
RDA of Northern Primorska Ltd. Nova Gorica
Cesta 25. junija Kromberk, 1F | 5000 – Nova Gorica
Contact person
Ms. Greti Manfreda,
City of Cacak
Department of Local economy development
ŽupanaStracimira, 2 | 32000 – Čačak
Contact person
Ms. Radojica Gavrilovic,
Consorzio Emmanuel Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Department research and training
Strada Provinciale Lecce-Novoli, 23 | 73100 – Lecce
Contact person
Ms. Paola Leone,
Public company of social services to the person of the Romagna
Local social services
Viale Stradone, 7 | 48018 – Faenza
Contact person
Mr. Giuseppe Neri,
Project Summary
BEGIN will define models for creation and management of social start-ups finalized to the inclusion of disadvantaged people. Marginalized groups – e.g. unemployed, women, young people, immigrants, disabled, ex-convicts, former drug addicts - are counting significant percentage in every partner country.
Innovative feature and main objective of Begin is the creation of tools to encourage the creation and development of social start-ups active in safeguarding of environmental protection for social work inclusion and employment of disadvantaged people, which then contribute to improvement of territories both for use citizens and tourists.
BEGIN will transfer know-how from more innovative and experienced regions to those lagging behind creating an innovative model that can be transferred also to other regions not involved in the project.
Main common challenge tackled regards environmental protection, also to promote tourism development. This challenge is faced through joint analyse of territorial frameworks to identify work activities at the base of social start-ups models and business models that are involving specifically marginalized groups.
Non-profit and third sector organizations are an efficient tool for environmental protection, but are not very developed and structured in project countries, except for Italy. Hence, the project will capitalise results of research conducted in Italy by providing specific know-how.
Direct project beneficiaries of milestones, outputs and deliverables will be the FACILITATORS OF SOCIAL START-UPS.
Indirect beneficiaries will be potential social start-uppers, people with disadvantage employment, employees of social start-ups, research and innovation centres, training centres and employment agencies, as well as legal and relevant public authorities in every country.
They also will lay the foundation for the creation of an INTERNATIONAL FACILITATORS NETWORK.
This represent the main project output together with a TRANSNATIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUPPORTING SOCIAL START-UPS which will be built on the 10 local-regional strategies which will be realised in project regions.
Besides main outputs, BEGIN expects additional project milestones being the elaboration of BUSINESS MODELS for the Management and Creation of SOCIAL START-UPS as well as LEARNING PROCESSES for the dissemination of business models.
Innovative feature and main objective of Begin is the creation of tools to encourage the creation and development of social start-ups active in safeguarding of environmental protection for social work inclusion and employment of disadvantaged people, which then contribute to improvement of territories both for use citizens and tourists.
BEGIN will transfer know-how from more innovative and experienced regions to those lagging behind creating an innovative model that can be transferred also to other regions not involved in the project.
Main common challenge tackled regards environmental protection, also to promote tourism development. This challenge is faced through joint analyse of territorial frameworks to identify work activities at the base of social start-ups models and business models that are involving specifically marginalized groups.
Non-profit and third sector organizations are an efficient tool for environmental protection, but are not very developed and structured in project countries, except for Italy. Hence, the project will capitalise results of research conducted in Italy by providing specific know-how.
Direct project beneficiaries of milestones, outputs and deliverables will be the FACILITATORS OF SOCIAL START-UPS.
Indirect beneficiaries will be potential social start-uppers, people with disadvantage employment, employees of social start-ups, research and innovation centres, training centres and employment agencies, as well as legal and relevant public authorities in every country.
They also will lay the foundation for the creation of an INTERNATIONAL FACILITATORS NETWORK.
This represent the main project output together with a TRANSNATIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUPPORTING SOCIAL START-UPS which will be built on the 10 local-regional strategies which will be realised in project regions.
Besides main outputs, BEGIN expects additional project milestones being the elaboration of BUSINESS MODELS for the Management and Creation of SOCIAL START-UPS as well as LEARNING PROCESSES for the dissemination of business models.
Project Acronym
Project Number
Programme Priority
1) Innovative and smart region
Specific objective
Support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2018-01-01 – 2020-06-30
Total budget
EUR 1,089,694.95
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
EUR 754,264.47
IPAII budget
EUR 171,976.23
Project Social media
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner
Lead partners

RDA of Northern Primorska Ltd. Nova Gorica
Trg Edvarda Kardelja, 3 | 5000 – Nova Gorica
Contact person
Ms. Greti Manfreda,
Project partners

City of Cacak
Department of Local economy development
ŽupanaStracimira, 2 | 32000 – Čačak
Contact person
Mr. Radojica Gavrilovic,
City of Gradiška
Development Department
Vidovdanska, 1a | 78400 – Gradiska
Contact person
Mr. Nikola Soldatic,

Consorzio Emmanuel Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Department research and training
Strada Provinciale Lecce-Novoli, 23 | 73100 – Lecce
Contact person
Mr. Paola Leone,

Consorzio Sol.Co. Network of Sicilian Social Cooperatives
Via Pietro Carrera, 23 | 95123 – Catania
Contact person
Ms. Francesca Pruiti Ciarello,

European Institute for Local Development
European Project Management department
Lytra str., 5 | 54640 – Thessaloniki
Contact person
Mr. Theoni Drimala,

Municipality of Herceg Novi
Dept. of International Cooperation
Marshall Tito Square, 2 | 85 340 – Herceg Novi
Contact person
Mr. Branka Mračević,

Public company of social services to the person of the Romagna Faentina
Local social services
Viale Stradone, 7 | 48018 – Faenza
Contact person
Mr. Giuseppe Neri,